School Readiness
Children and families of Little Falls Community Schools #482 have many opportunities to enhance their child's school readiness. Connecting to the Early Childhood Program can begin at birth by enrolling in one of our Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE) classes. These are available both at our Early Childhood Center and within the community and are offered through age 5. ECFE classes provide a strong foundation that feeds into the Early Childhood programs. The District partners with Head Start for eligible families and also offers inclusionary Early Childhood Special Education program to eligible children. An active speech, occupational, and physical therapy department also addresses specific needs for eligible children.
The school readiness of district children is formally assessed in two primary manners; those students looking to enter Kindergarten go through pre-school screening. Registered kindergarten students attend a "Kindergarten Experience" day in the spring, where Kindergarten teachers perform a screening to assess readiness, as well. Children whose screening indicates need for support in vision, hearing, speech, social/emotional or cognitive readiness are re-screened and/or referred to specialist, as warranted.